Born in Phoenix Arizona and raised in Salt Lake City Utah, Kev the Allstar has been a legend in the making straight out the gate. From his first-time on-stage freestyle battle rapping at the Source Magazine Unsigned Hype (AND1 Mixtape) Tour, he has blazed a meteoric trail, and shows no signs of slowing down.
While serving his country in the United States Marine Corps, Kev the Allstar put pen to pad, and started filling notebooks with verses, and flash drives with rhymes. When he and his battle buddies returned to the states in 2007, they started selling CDs and flash drives with their music from the trunks of their cars and soon found themselves performing all over the Southwest. Here is where Kev the Allstar found his passion for the stage and learned how powerful his voice could be.
Since 2017, Kev the Allstar has taken to the stage night after night to perfect his craft, using his comedy not just to entertain, but to educate and speak truth to power. Touching on subjects such as growing up biracial, bireligious, and fatherhood, he uses his platform to turn trauma into laughter.
Kev The Allstar is featured in films such as House of Quarantine (2020), Instant Karma (2021), and Controlled (2022). His next feature, Exposure (completed), will be coming soon to a streaming service near you.